Give your company and your home an advantage by building a better and more reliable network. enterprise and home solutions help you, your Team and your Family deliver faster, more efficiently and with a peace of mind.
Coollink can assist you in the deployment and maintenance of permanent or temporary connectivity solutions to ensure your business remains connected around the clock. With a variety of
connectivity solutions over fibre, wireless and satellite and a team of highly experienced engineers, Coollink is the partner for your business and your data connection projects.
Making sure projects are delivered in an efficient and reliable manner is key. Therefore, Coollink's project process includes thorough planning and design, ensures the best hardware and software are installed, and offers support and value-added services once the project has completed.
Konnect offers affordable superfast broadband connectivity of up to 100Mbps on the download. It is a satellite broadband service covering the Nigerian territory and beyond. You can finally have access to reliable high speed Internet anywhere, even in the most rural of areas.
Connect to our Radical Wireless network, across different cities in Nigeria. Offering high quality broadband Internet connection at affordable rates.
This service is currently only available in Abuja.